
No, I don't get it either.

Let's be clear - I was 100% certain that the hardest part of starting a blog would be the first post - what do you write, I asked myself?
"Hi, this is my blog about me!"  No.
"Hey, this is my first blog post..." No.

Double no, actually.  Even I'm bored by that, and I'm talking about ME.  Frankly, me is a topic that I'm rather fond of, so the fact that my own attention has wandered somewhere else is a pretty solid sign that yours has too.

No worries, though! I've decided to settle on telling you about me, without saying "Hey, I'm me!" - not me in a nutshell, not me in an autobiography/memoir (I'll save that for when I get publishing dollas), but the most obvious part of me that I can think of at the moment.

I love tennis.

Tennis nes


No, that's not it. That's not; that's not at all it.  It's the fact that I might be a tish competitive when I'm playing sports - especially those I'm really not very good at (all of them).


You see, my wonderful wife and I played tennis today.  Really, it was a chance for me to help Britt learn tennis.  You know, a few drills, a friendly game perhaps.  And, yet still, I turn into a grumpy gus because I miss a backhand on a ball I let bounce 10 times before it even got to me.  I'm well aware no one cares, and no one's keeping score...but still.  Ugh.  I'm a child.


In case you were interested, here's a brief reenactment of our first game today.